Saturday, September 29, 2007

Health Paternalism

In light of all the Stalinist health plans coming from the democrat candidates for president and ridiculous ordinances by NYC and LA city councils supposedly for our own good health I had to wonder: Since the vast majority of disease is genetic, how long before city councils are demanding genetic screening of fetuses and the forced abortion of genetically defective fetuses? "Well, Mr and Mrs Smith, your baby is genetically predisposed to heart disease so we can't allow it to be born and cost the taxpayers for future heart surgery, SORRY!!!"

Local Stupidity

My loyal readers know I reside in Los Angeles. And I like to highlight the stupidity of our city council.

Since they have fixed all the sidewalks (NOT!!), the city council has decided to outlaw new fast food joints in South Central LA. Because, you know, black people and latinos don't know any better than to eat at McDonald's for every meal. It just doesn't get any more paternalistic than this. (Except of course for "Republican" Mayor Bloomberg outlawing trans fat in NYC).

These ridiculous clowns need to get their priorities straight for crying out loud. They can't fix any streets and traffic lights and sidewalks because they are busy attacking Walmart and now fast food restaurants.

It is simply UNBELIEVABLE that the city council is preventing businesses from opening in South LA. I thought the whole problem was that there were not ENOUGH businesses and jobs in that area. Remember the riots?!? If the council is hellbent on stifling economic prosperity I do not want to hear a damn thing about the poor people of South LA. The councilmembers can take care of them out of their own pockets.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Remember when the military court in Gitmo ruled that they could not try Omar Khadr because he was classified as an "enemy combatant" instead of the required "alien unlawful enemy combatant"? The way that story played was as if the upright military judges had finally called an end to Bush's devious ways. It went on and on. Leaving out the fact that the rulings hinged on one word: "unlawful" and would only delay the inevitable, i.e. the righteous prosecution and condemnation of these foul jihadi MFs.

And now, that these rulings have been dispensed with and we can get on with the business of protecting this great nation, where are our great news organizations to let us know? Of course, this is being put on the back pages because for the treacherous bastards in the media this is as an unpleasant reality. Well, suck on it, you filthy fifth columnists!!

Blogging is hard

OK. This is the end of the royal 'we'. Just too hard to keep up.

I've been busy with football season. That's why I haven't been blogging.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007