Monday, December 31, 2007

Bush wins Peace Prize

Congratulations are pouring in for GWB's Peace Prize win. It makes you remember how much he has done for the cause of peace during his time in office.
  • Deposing Saddam Hussein
  • Reconciling Sunni and Shiite Muslims(not even Mohammed could do this!)
  • Preventing another 9/11
  • Detaining bloodthirsty terrorists at Guantanamo
  • Iran and Libya giving up nukes! We'll have to "trust but verify" with Iran.
  • Imprisoning annoying liberals (whoops! that one's just a fantasy--mine and liberals')
It really is a time to count our blessings and thank the good Lord that Bush is our President.

Pretty Pictures

Nothing is prettier to me than the sight of industry at work. This is a steel mill.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Genghis Peace Prize

Year end reminisces include Al Gore’s Nobel Prize and cause me irritation. In response I am establishing an annual Genghis Peace Prize. This year’s recipient is George W. Bush who will receive a $10.00 award and a certificate. He is being awarded the prize in recognition of his efforts to bring peace to the world by crushing the enemies of peace, the merciless jihadis of the Islamic world. The Genghis Institute salutes his effort and hopes he receives the prize in good health.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fresh & Easy update

Well, after a few more times at Fresh and Easy I've decided I won't be patronizing them on a regular basis. They do not have paper bags (I use them for kitchen garbage bags). They do not take coupons. They did not have ANY winter squash in November!! The self checkout thing is cool but irrelevant when buying alcohol, exceeding the arbitrary value set for purchases that require an override, and who knows what else?

I'll be sticking with Trader Joe's.

Christmas Thoughts

I know that many of you eschew real cut trees and instead opt for a live tree or a hemp tree or whatever the hell they are making them out of (PVC, deadly carcinogen). Me? I prefer that a glorious, living green tree has been sacrificed for my xmas pleasure.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thank You

A big, heartfelt thank you to whoever destroyed the tapes. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of human rights lawyers launching propaganda trials against the US and on behalf of Osama bin Laden and Al K-Da.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Here's the litany of what this "imbecile" president has done:
  • an unnecessary war
  • no-bid contracts & alleged profiteering
  • suspension of habeas corpus
  • arrest & exile of dissident speakers
  • shutting down newspapers
  • hundreds of thousands of prisoners held w/o charge
Oh. I'm thought I was talking about President Bush? No the "imbecile" I'm talking about is Abraham Lincoln, savior of the Union.

I've been reading Lincoln, by David of the best biographies I've ever read. And yes, congressmen and others called him an imbecile many times (when they weren't issuing death threats).