Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fiscal Stimulus

Here's your fiscal stimulus--Americans at work prior to nanny state, red tape, EPA bullshit government.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Coal Mine

Coal---the great fuel of the Industrial Revolution. Let us be thankful for it.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Bourne Ultimatum

Just watched the Bourne Ultimatum last night. But I'm confused, the hero of the story is obviously the David Strathairn character, CIA Deputy Director Noah Vosen. Strangely, Vosen is arrested at the end of the movie. A happy ending would have had Bourne and his lady accomplices up against a wall with blindfolds for treason. Hopefully, the CIA will get Bourne in the next movie. It's really upsetting to have such a dangerous character on the loose. All agents have orders to "shoot on sight"! That includes all other super assassins! Don't let Bourne get into your head---you don't have to know why you need to kill him! Just do it! Do you want to win the war on terror?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm Hoarding Them

How the f*** do they pass this s*** without us knowing? All we hear is Congress passed an energy bill---oh and, by the way, your first born child belongs to Nancy Pelosi.