Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's Terrorist Buddy

Like two peas in a pod. Bill "I didn't kill enough cops" Ayers & Barack "I want to be the first Stalinist president" Obama.

No Recession

No matter how many times you say doesn't make it true. I can't count the times I've heard people say we are in a recession. I guess when your definition of a recession is that there is a Republican president you'd be right. But a recession is two consectuive quarters of negative income growth. And we haven't even had one.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Cold War is REALLY back according to ABCNews

From a report about Russia threatening Poland:

"Rice defended the new cease-fire document, saying it requires that the Soviets leave Georgia immediately adding that the time has come 'to begin a discussion of the consequences of what Russia has done.'" (emphasis mine).

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Xavier Becerra, Democrat, CA-31

Xavier is my "representative" in Congress. I put that in quotes because really, he only represents a certain demographic in my district, i.e. hispanic gay transsexual, drug addict, illegal immigrant gang bangers.
Xavier runs unopposed in this safest of all seats. I always write myself in on election day.
I'll be trying to make his life miserable going up to the elections.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nancy Pelosi's America

Check out this report from a "street fair" in San Francisco. The link is to who does photojournalism of left wing insanity in the Bay Area.

This is the America that Obama and Pelosi and Harry Reid want to bring to your town.