Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jeffery Toobin is scared

From the Anderson Cooper show on Monday (9/8):

COOPER: Earlier we saw her attacking Obama on earmark, she actually asked for more earmarks per capita than any other state. Do the facts matter in the support for Sarah Palin?

JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN SENIOR ANALYST: Well, you know, I think it's our job to point out the facts. I mean it's not our job to tell people who to vote for [yeah right, fucker], but I sat here agog [agog? Jeez, this isn't the bombing of Pearl Harbor] listening to her attacking Obama on earmarks when she hired a consultant to get earmarks. Now, that's not disqualifying for the presidency but it is contradictory.

COOPER: That was when she was a Mayor of --

TOOBIN: Yes, and, you know, same thing with the bridge to nowhere. There is a tremendous amount of excitement now about her because she's such a novelty.

I also think people need to take a deep breath and relax.[Before you pass out from your panic attack you little candyass bitch!] We're still -- these polls deal with the immediate aftermath of the convention. I think people are going to take -- she's going to start giving a few interviews and we'll see if she's as popular two weeks from now as she is now.[Yes, we will, mofo!!]
This exchange, seen live, was the purest distillation of the liberal panic spreading like wildfire. As far as relaxing? I AM RELAXED!! Now that we have the Terminatrix on our side. My point here is that the only people who need this advice are panicky liberals, or "people" as Mr. Toobin calls them. Again, Mr. Toobin, I am fucking relaxed: McCain/Palin are the underdogs coming back in the fourth quarter with nothing to lose!!! We're playing for pride and we just might win! I understand how you might be soiling yourself over Mrs. Palin, Jeff, she is quite something, isn't she?

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