Friday, May 18, 2007


AN editorial in the LAT suggests that if Bush wants Congress' cooperation to defend our country then the attorney general will have to go. How much longer will the democrat party and its media lapdogs hold national security hostage to their demands for trivial political points. We will say it until they prove us wrong: the democrat party cares nothing for the lives of American citizens, they only wish to damage Bush. If they put as much energy into defending this country as they do into targeting this administration we'd be much better off.
Gonzales appears incompetent and we wouldn't normally care if he goes, but you'd think the democrat party would be sated on the corpses of Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Scooter Libby, etc, etc.
Come to think of it: it seems that the democrat party is saying: "You don't have the right to fire any of your people, that's OUR job!"

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