Thursday, May 17, 2007

More intro

Things we will be writing about include (but are not limited to):
  • The religion of global warming
  • Energy issues
  • The glory of unbridled capitalism
  • LA Times
  • LAPD
  • Los Angeles politics and life
  • Jihad
  • Whatever politically incorrect thought occurs in our tiny brain
We should make clear that we are not a climate scientist, or a worker in the energy industry, or a businessman, or a professional media critic, or an ex-cop, or a political journalist. For people who are fully informed on these issues see other blogs such as Patterico's Pontifications. We are not politically connnected in any way, in fact we are a bit of a recluse. But we do read. We are proud to become one of the irresponsible bloggers who spouts off with no professional capacity to back us up.

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