Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bisphenol-A and Breasts

I am so sick of hearing about how bisphenol a is going to shrivel my son's genitals or something. When are these chicken littles gonna get some self awareness: they've been wrong so many other times you'd think they'd reflect before going off on the latest threat to humanity. My son didn't want to breast, since we wanted him to live we gave him formula in Avent bottles chock full of bisphenol a. Which brings me to breast feeding nazis. The Bush administration declined to fund an ad campaign touting breast over bottle and the BFNs are going nuts about it. Personally, I'd like to thank Bush for not stigmatizing people who bottle feed. I really can't believe breast feeding is that much better...all the studies were conducted with a preconceived result, i.e. breast is best. And if you don't agree with me I guess you are just a bad parent.

San Diego Chargers

Ok. This is out of the ordinary but I had to say something about the Chargers and the natural disaster known as Norv Turner (supposedly the head coach).
Last year the Chargers fired Marty Schottenheimer after they lost to New England in the playoffs. Granted, Marty has trouble in the playoffs and did make some bone-headed decisions in that game. BUT, he did coach the Chargers to a 14-2 record. I guess you could rationalize his firing somehow based on his playoff failure. That simply does not explain why you hire Norv Turner! For god's sake the guy has NEVER won as a head coach!!! Surely there was someone more likely to succeed.
The LA Times blamed the Chargers defense (and the coordinator) for giving up 102 points in 4 games. Never mind that the Charger's OFFENSE gave up 14 of those points directly and who knows how many points off their 8 turnovers. The defense has 9 sacks, and forced 9 turnovers. Not stellar, but not too shabby.
The real problem is the offense----River's INTs, the wide receivers can't get open to get the running game going, and Norv making stupid calls.
In the game against KC, they had a golden opportunity to tie the game. They had the ball on the 5 and passed 4 straight plays!! They have the BEST OF ALL TIME RUNNING BACK!!! Give him one of those chances at least. Even worse on one of those, Rivers had LT open on a screen with a clear road to the endzone---he looked his way, didn't throw, scrambled and threw the ball away!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!! These are professionals for crying out loud!

Norv Turner is a hopeless failure as a head coach and if the Chargers make it to the playoffs (doubtful) it will be despite him or because he was fired.

Monday, October 1, 2007

LA Times Wrong Again!

To the editors:
Your latest editorial on the Supreme Court reveals, yet again, your serious misunderstanding of the court's role in our democracy. The justices' priority is to make the correct legal decision not to make idols of consensus, caution and civility (traits that are not required, I imagine, when the court leans left instead of right). Why not be honest and just say that you disagree with the decisions they made and why. Is it because you have no intellectual or legal leg to stand on? In that case it is understandable that you would employ the red herring of consensus to dispute the legitimacy of the court's decisions.
If consensus is so critical why didn't the constitution require it? And why is the chief justice solely to blame? The four leftists in the minority could have built consensus and voted with the majority. But somehow, I think, that is not the kind of "consensus" you had in mind.


Genghis Khan