Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bisphenol-A and Breasts

I am so sick of hearing about how bisphenol a is going to shrivel my son's genitals or something. When are these chicken littles gonna get some self awareness: they've been wrong so many other times you'd think they'd reflect before going off on the latest threat to humanity. My son didn't want to breast, since we wanted him to live we gave him formula in Avent bottles chock full of bisphenol a. Which brings me to breast feeding nazis. The Bush administration declined to fund an ad campaign touting breast over bottle and the BFNs are going nuts about it. Personally, I'd like to thank Bush for not stigmatizing people who bottle feed. I really can't believe breast feeding is that much better...all the studies were conducted with a preconceived result, i.e. breast is best. And if you don't agree with me I guess you are just a bad parent.

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