Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Here's the litany of what this "imbecile" president has done:
  • an unnecessary war
  • no-bid contracts & alleged profiteering
  • suspension of habeas corpus
  • arrest & exile of dissident speakers
  • shutting down newspapers
  • hundreds of thousands of prisoners held w/o charge
Oh. I'm sorry...you thought I was talking about President Bush? No the "imbecile" I'm talking about is Abraham Lincoln, savior of the Union.

I've been reading Lincoln, by David Donald...one of the best biographies I've ever read. And yes, congressmen and others called him an imbecile many times (when they weren't issuing death threats).


Chelsea said...

Okay, I just came across your blog and saw your little tidbit on Abraham Lincoln. It was a very neccesary war. What would you do? the South was rebeling. He was under a lot of pressure. You don't even know what he was going through. either one or 2 of his sons died and there was so much more. next time, you want to critize someone, get the whole story and get both bias'. then you won't look like such a jerk.

Genghis said...

Chelsea: I just finished reading Lincoln, By David Donald so I know what he was "going through". That aside you agree that his actions were justified because the south was rebelling and his two sons died. So, under certain circumstances Bush's actions can also be justified. I think they are justified; you probably don't. But if Jenna and Barbara were to die in a car crash, they would be? That doesn't make any sense. Presidents shouldn't let their judgement be clouded by personal tragedy. By your measure Lincoln is a worse president than Bush.
I think this war (including Iraq) is necessary so I think Bush's actions are justified. Reflect on what Lincoln would have done in the present circumstances. I think he would have gone further than Bush.

Overall, you have proved my point that Bush's actions can be justified given the right conditions.

Thanks for commenting though. I pretty much just do this to blow off steam and don't get a lot of readers.