Monday, June 30, 2008

Boumedienne v Bush

One of the things that drives me nuts about this opinion is the way Napoleon Kennedy extends the constitution to the entire planet. Yes, he tries to narrowly define de facto sovereignty but he fails miserably. The entire planet is de facto US sovereign territory under Anthony "Stalin" Kennedy's decision. What's wrong with that, the candyass liberals among you may ask?

Well, what if another country extended and enforced their laws on us? Or why isn't it just a little insulting to sovereign nations that they are not really sovereign after all? These are the implications of this decision.

It is clear that Ming the Merciless Kennedy fancies himself a world conqueror. Didn't you know that the whole nation-state concept is passe and unconstitutional? In this, he is in unison with liberal democrats for whom the whole idea of America is a little embarrassing, quaint and retrograde. It is good to remember this as the birthday of our nation approaches.

But then again---he did do the right thing in DC v Heller---most likely because in Heller he was also striking down statute--albeit a clearly unconstitutional one.

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