Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Fire in the Rear"*

Now for a little history:

"[Obama] professed himself a better [patriot] than the Republicans whose fanaticism had provoked this ruinous war. These same Republicans, he continued, were now not fighting for [the country] but for [empire]. And what had they accomplished? 'Let the dead at [Fallujah] and [Baghdad] answer.' The [war] could never be [won]; the only trophies of this war were 'defeat, debt, taxation, sepulchres.....the suspension of habeas corpus, the violation...of freedom of the press and of speech....which have made this country one of the worst despotisms on earth for the past [eight years].' What was the solution? 'Stop fighting. Make an armistice....Withdraw your army from [Iraq].' Start negotiations...."

This passage is actually from the book Battle Cry of Freedom, by James McPherson, page 592. It is actually describing the positions of the justly forgotten Copperhead (anti-war, southern sympathizing politicians--all Democrats) Clement Vallandigham but bears a remarkable similarity to the present day democrat party's foreign policy platform. Vallandigham was eventually arrested for sedition and banished to the confederacy. Can't we do the same for Kucinich, McDermott, et al? Vallandigham ran for Governor of Ohio in absentia but lost in a landslide.

*The chapter this passage comes from, not my recent medical problems!

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