Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tim Rutten, Jackass

Tim Rutten, the Los Angeles Times Copperhead columnist, keeps repeating the ridiculous claim that the “…US military constructed what amounts to an American gulag…”. If we really had been doing so he would find himself there (in the gulag) since he is an anti-American, pro-Al Qaeda jackass. But, unfortunately, the first amendment applies to jackasses like Rutten. Rutten is someone who will believe the utterances of bin Laden before Bush.

Just to fill him in on the what a gulag actually was:

From The Black Book of Communism, Courtois et al.:

“300,000 known deaths in the camps from 1934 to 1940.” (italics mine) (p. 206)
“Approximately 2,200,00 deported, forcibly moved, or exiled…”, (p. 207)
“On 1 January 1940 some 1,670,000 prisoners were being held….” (p. 207)

And don’t forget the absolutely brutal conditions in the camps—extreme cold, hunger, beatings, hard labor, and death.

These numbers don’t account for the 720,000 who didn’t make it to the camps as they were summarily executed by the GPU (p. 206).

Rutten’s claim that various prisons around the world where unlawful enemy combatants are held—with plenty of food, water, comfortable cells, Korans, etc—amount to “an American gulag” is an historical fraud. Not to mention a desecration of the memories of those who suffered and died in the gulag and an unbelievable libel on the servicemen and women who serve at these detention centers.

If we really had constructed a gulag---Rutten would be there.

UPDATE: I am not sure why I give a damn what this soft-headed, senile old liberal fool (a perfect example of Lenin's "useful idiots") who writes for an increasingly obsolete and failing newsrag. Unfortunately, my wife insists on taking the paper.

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