Friday, September 12, 2008

First Amendment and Islam

The 1st amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What do you imagine the authors of the first amendment meant by "religion"? It's clear to me they meant Christianity and Judaism (to a lesser extent). The framers never intended to include Islam or any other faith. In fact, Islam was seen as a threat even back then: Jefferson's Koran (that Keith Ellison was sworn in on) was a translation intended to help Christians fight Islam. I think the framers would be astounded and dismayed at the inroads that Islam has made into western society.

As more and more western Muslims and even christian leaders demand a place for sharia law in western jurisprudence it is clear that Islam is incompatible with western civ. Why would they ask for separate legal systems?

I take individuals as they are but Islam as a whole is harmful to western civilization. You can call me a bigot, but you would be wrong. Bigotry involves a level of prejudice. I have seen Islam at work in western society and there is nothing prejudicial about my judgment. Am I to be tolerant of every religion no matter how crazy it is?

I don't propose that the government ban the koran or the preaching of Islam., but do stop the construction of mosques. And also, put a complete stop to government alliances and funding with all muslim organizations.

To say that the first amendment protects Islam is like saying the first amendment protects pornography. Both are destructive forces in western society.

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