Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Given the hysterical reaction to Sarah Palin on the left I am cautiously optimistic that we have a chance of avoiding the Obamessiah presidency.
It is clear that the media has abandoned all pretense of objectivity but in the process they make themselves, Obama and the democRAT party look foolish, inept, incompetent, unappealing, etc, etc. So really, I'm glad that 95% of mainstream "journalists" are Obamatrons---the more they react with elite contempt to McCain/Palin the more votes come our way.

I have to say: part of the reason I have been so pessimistic is that I couldn't think about if Obama DOES lose. You think the left wing reacted badly in 200 and 2004 to losing? If they lose this time, I'm thinking riots, democrat politicians baying at the moon, and serious unrest in blue cities. There is NO WAY they will think McCain won fair and square (if that happens) and these unhinged lefties will be out for blood. Yes, I think there will be death, destruction and general mayhem if Obama loses. That said, all you right wing nutjobs better lock and load if you wanna survive after the election.

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