Tuesday, October 7, 2008

President for LIfe Obama and his propaganda unit, the AP

In a story about Jerome Corsi being deported from Kenya by the AP:

"Corsi's book claims the Illinois senator is a dangerous, radical candidate for president and includes innuendoes and false rumors — that he was raised a Muslim and attended a radical black church."

I don't care for Jerome Corsi but how is it a "false rumor" that Obama attended a radical black church? The AP is simply lying here. It may be a "false rumor" that Obama was not raised a Muslim, but why is his religion listed as "Islam" on his Indonesian school records? Certainly the AP has no idea if Obama was or was not raised a Muslim, at least for a time, in his youth. And why exactly does it matter in our glorious multicultural society if he was?

The AP is a tool of the Obama campaign. They are not an objective news organization--they are a propaganda organization. And as such, they can suck on my ballsack.

Is Obama going to rule as an African strongman? Let's see if he nationalizes the oil companies and lines his pockets with oil money. I wonder if has already opened his Swiss bank accounts.

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