Friday, February 27, 2009
While Investigating my local public schools....
...I came across this. You have to click on a student's name and then you will see their letter to President Obama. All of the students have written to Obama. I feel ambiguous about this. On the one hand, he is the newly elected President so why shouldn't they write letters to him? But I can't help but feel that this is just part of the larger liberal propaganda campaign aimed at students K-Graduate school that needs to be countered just a bit. I especially like this kid's letter.
Gotta stop my daughter from requesting emergency contraception
Noam Levey of the Chicago Tribune needs a refresher on the facts of life:
"The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has reported cases such as that of a Virginia mother of two who became pregnant because she was denied emergency contraception." (emphasis mine)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Union Station, Los Angeles
Union Station built in 1939.
From Wikipedia:

From Wikipedia:
The structure combines Dutch Colonial Revival Style architecture (the suggestion
of the Dutch born Jan van der Linden), Mission Revival, and Streamline Moderne
style, with architectural details such as eight-pointed stars.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hilda Solis, the Labor nominee
Ms. Solis is the congressman from the 32nd district. Her district is also a gerrymandered disgrace but not quite as bad as the 31st or the 38th. Only 62% of her district is "Hispanic or Latino". After looking at her district I noticed that, just like the 31st and the 38th, the 32nd has a piece of East LA. Clearly, East LA, at about 100% (97.6% according to the census) "Hispanic or Latino" is the linchpin or keystone of many racially gerrymandered districts. It must be confusing as hell to live in East LA when you need to speak to your congressman.

When you look at these maps it is ridiculous how they manage to stretch back to take a slice of East LA (The very green area to the left in the image).

When you look at these maps it is ridiculous how they manage to stretch back to take a slice of East LA (The very green area to the left in the image).
Grace Napolitano, her own little CheckNGo operation
By now you must have heard about Congresswoman Napolitano and her brilliant money making operation, loaning money to herself at usurious rates and making a killing.
And here is her district. Quite an odd looking shape--I wonder why? The percentage of "Hispanic or Latino" is over 70%, just like Congressman Becerra's district and she runs unopposed as well. (Remember, the percentage of "Hispanic or Latino" for LA County is 44%) Isn't democracy grand?
And here is her district. Quite an odd looking shape--I wonder why? The percentage of "Hispanic or Latino" is over 70%, just like Congressman Becerra's district and she runs unopposed as well. (Remember, the percentage of "Hispanic or Latino" for LA County is 44%) Isn't democracy grand?

Xavier Becerra, affirmative action congressman, part 2
A quote from my esteemed congressman:
This is a big steaming pile of horseshit. The "stimulus" bill does nothing but increase spending for bullshit liberal social engineering projects. For added evil-they are meddling in markets in ways that are ensured to cause decreased income---for everyone---even sainted poor folk. What "they" really voted against was not a tax cut but a brand new entitlement program mislabeled as a tax cut. People who don't pay taxes in the first place can't get a "tax cut", congressman. The democRAT party is buying elections by ensuring that more than 1/2 the country does not pay any taxes.
"They just voted against the largest tax cut for middle class America in the history of this country," he said. "They voted against expanding the child tax credit for millions of Americans. … They voted against American families and small businesses who need some relief as the credit market froze up. And they voted against American families who are just trying to hold on to their homes."
He added, "Mr. President we stand here today to say we will deliver again. As the American public has said, it's time for a change."
If You Were Wondering....
...this is Socialism (you know, the political ideology responsible for 150 million deaths).
I know, I know: we (the govt) gave them billions so we have the "right" to limit compensation. Yes, as majority owners we do, but when the government owns, that is socialism. And beyond that, is it really a good idea? Or does it just feed our own greed and envy?--The "anti-capitalist mentality" as Ludwig von Mises put it.
I can't remember a government more hostile to capitalism. And we and future generations will pay with a lowered standard of living.
I know, I know: we (the govt) gave them billions so we have the "right" to limit compensation. Yes, as majority owners we do, but when the government owns, that is socialism. And beyond that, is it really a good idea? Or does it just feed our own greed and envy?--The "anti-capitalist mentality" as Ludwig von Mises put it.
I can't remember a government more hostile to capitalism. And we and future generations will pay with a lowered standard of living.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Xavier Becerra, affirmative action congressman
This past fall my congressman, Xavier Becerra, ran unopposed. As if that wasn't enough to make a mockery of democracy take a look at the "district" he "represents":

This is racial gerrymandering at its worst. This is NOT democracy but racist political fixing. The percentages below refer to Hispanic or Latino constituents. Do you think a non-Hispanic or Latino has a chance in hell of winning this district? Of course not....and that's the idea.

This is racial gerrymandering at its worst. This is NOT democracy but racist political fixing. The percentages below refer to Hispanic or Latino constituents. Do you think a non-Hispanic or Latino has a chance in hell of winning this district? Of course not....and that's the idea.

Congressman Becerra refers to his district as "multicultural". Hispanic or Latinos make up over 70% of this "district", but 44% of LA county, 32.4% of the state as a whole and 12.5% for the whole country.
By the way, these screenshots come from the US Census website.
By the way, these screenshots come from the US Census website.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I Couldn't Agree More
I also am sick of the term "fair-trade".
Like many economists, I cringe whenever I hear the term “fair trade.” It is not that I am against fairness — who is? — but the word “fair” is so amorphous in this context as to defy definition. Most often, the slogan “fair trade” is little more than a rallying cry for protectionism.
Obama can do whatever the f*** he wants!
Doesn't this count as politicizing the DEA?
If you want to change federal law concerning marijuana then I'm right there with you Obama, but to simply say we won't enforce the law is ridiculous. How is this different from Bush prioritizing voter fraud prosecution? For one thing, Bush wasn't choosing to ignore federal law he was just setting priorities for the Justice dept. If law enforcement noticed Republican wrong-doing they hardly turned a blind eye.
For Obama and the democrats, certain laws like those concerning immigration and marijuana distribution simply will not be enforced despite their clear constitutional duty to do so.
So, will we drop the charges against Larry Craig. That hardly sounds like a priority to me!
If you want to change federal law concerning marijuana then I'm right there with you Obama, but to simply say we won't enforce the law is ridiculous. How is this different from Bush prioritizing voter fraud prosecution? For one thing, Bush wasn't choosing to ignore federal law he was just setting priorities for the Justice dept. If law enforcement noticed Republican wrong-doing they hardly turned a blind eye.
For Obama and the democrats, certain laws like those concerning immigration and marijuana distribution simply will not be enforced despite their clear constitutional duty to do so.
So, will we drop the charges against Larry Craig. That hardly sounds like a priority to me!
Between his moronic bungling cabinet appointments, his lack of leadership for the national government and all the things he actually meant to do Obama is working up to one of the all time worst presidencies in US history! It really is hard to keep up with this incompetent fool.
He's a tax cheat and a communist!
Mr. Geithner said he would consider “extending at least some of the TARP provisions and features of the $500,000 cap to U.S. companies generally.”Thanks, Senator Hatch!
Friday, February 6, 2009
My Other Stimulus Plan
We can all dig holes and hang with lizards. Same result as the "stimulus" bill but easier accounting.
My Stimulus Package
In my opinion, the best stimulus is to cut taxes and cut government spending---I am not a Keynesian. So to that end:
To be continued.....
- Eliminate the Departments of Education, Agriculture, Homeland Security, HHS, HUD, Energy, Labor, Commerce, Veterans Affairs, & Transportation
- Essential functions (if any) of those departments would be subsumed into one of the remaining depts: state, treasury, justice, defense & interior
- Eliminate federal & state income tax, social security, medicare & medicaid & unemployment insurance
- Eliminate corporate tax---corporations cannot pay taxes, all of these taxes are paid by individuals--workers, consumers and investors--and then we pay tax again on this income on our personal tax returns
- Institute a consumption tax
To be continued.....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Breaking News": Come to LA, Commit Crimes, Get Paid!
This is the most obscene piece of news so far this week. Ugghh. Yuck. Man!
Eric Holder, the totally non-political, incorruptible AG
From the LA Times:
Yeah, right. If anything Holder's confirmation fulfills the exact opposite vision. They ignored his character and patted themselves on the back for confirming the first black AG. Too bad he's a sycophantic liar.
Holder's chief supporter, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), said the confirmation was a fulfillment of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that everyone would be judged by the content of their character.
"Come on the right side of history," said Leahy, chairman of the judiciary committee.
Yeah, right. If anything Holder's confirmation fulfills the exact opposite vision. They ignored his character and patted themselves on the back for confirming the first black AG. Too bad he's a sycophantic liar.
Obama the Overlord
This is clearly not in his authority unless it was explicitly authoirized in the bailout bill.
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