Saturday, February 14, 2009

Xavier Becerra, affirmative action congressman, part 2

A quote from my esteemed congressman:

"They just voted against the largest tax cut for middle class America in the history of this country," he said. "They voted against expanding the child tax credit for millions of Americans. … They voted against American families and small businesses who need some relief as the credit market froze up. And they voted against American families who are just trying to hold on to their homes."

He added, "Mr. President we stand here today to say we will deliver again. As the American public has said, it's time for a change."
This is a big steaming pile of horseshit. The "stimulus" bill does nothing but increase spending for bullshit liberal social engineering projects. For added evil-they are meddling in markets in ways that are ensured to cause decreased income---for everyone---even sainted poor folk. What "they" really voted against was not a tax cut but a brand new entitlement program mislabeled as a tax cut. People who don't pay taxes in the first place can't get a "tax cut", congressman. The democRAT party is buying elections by ensuring that more than 1/2 the country does not pay any taxes.

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