Sunday, March 15, 2009

A former undersecretary-general of the United Nations lets us know how he really feels

From the New York Review of Books aka the Fuck America Monthly:

"A fog of know-nothing ideology, anti-intellectualism, cronyism, incompetence, and cynicism has, for eight years, enveloped the executive branch of the United States government. America's role in the world and the policies that should shape and maintain it have been distorted by misguided decisions and by willful misinterpretations both of history and of current events. That fog is now being dispersed, and the vast intellectual and managerial resources of the United States are once again being mobilized.

A blessing of this time of liberation and hope is that serious works of political analysis and philosophy may contribute to the new administration's approach to its daunting agenda of global and national problems."
This gem is from Brian Urquhart, a former Undersecretary-General of the UN. Why anyone would give a fuck what a UN flunkey thinks is beyond me.

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