Thursday, June 7, 2007

LA Times Teenaged Opinion Writer Makes Death Threat

Reading the LAT opinion page is a lot like reading your high school newspaper. Remember those brain dead opinion pieces on how it's time to save the planet? Well check out Patt Morrison:

"A mature tree eats 13 pounds of carbon dioxide every year, so every time you don't recycle a huge stack of envelopes and junk mail and wrapping paper and newspapers, you're murdering a tree that could have saved you."

Never mind that trees for paper would never exist in the first place except to make the junk mail (eg the LAT). Recycling does zero. In fact, the more you recycle, the less trees will be planted and the more oil will be burned to recycle paper. The whole column is filled with similar nonsense. But eco-fascist psychos like Morrison certainly can't let the facts get in the way of their religious ideology.

Did you think "eco-fascist psycho" was a bit over the top? Well consider how Morrison finishes the column:

"If we don't [recycle, etc]....well, keep this in mind: The body of a 175-pound man can yield a little more than four gallons of fuel oil." (ellipsis in original)

Recycle or you will be exterminated! We didn't know that 'family' newspapers were in the business of making death threats. So maybe we're a little over 175 but we all know who she's talking about.

So, our personal pledge to Morrison: all the newspaper is going in the trash; we've got the space.

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