Monday, June 4, 2007

Standard Oil Global Warmist Manifesto

Since we alone can do nothing to stop the global warmist mass hysteria, we pledge to do what we can to piss these people off (within our means).

  • Stockpile and use incandescent bulbs exclusively
  • Drive as much as we can afford to
  • On sunny days, use the dryer not the clothesline
  • Barbecue as much as possible, preferably with lighter fluid
  • Take long hot showers
  • Set the thermostat to 80 in winter and 50 in summer
  • Buy and use paper towels, ziploc bags and other disposable products
  • Do not reuse plastic containers, bags, etc unless convenient
  • Leave the lights on if it pleases you
  • Avoid all products with any kind of 'Green' endorsement
  • Buy 'global' not local
Send in your tips to join this valiant struggle.


Chonabo said...

Since when have you moderated our comments? Isn't that neofascist or something? I thought all rightwing (nut)ideologues held true to the ideal of free expression. Anyway, I thought the post was amusing, but you forgot flatulance aka farting, also a known climate change culprit.

Anonymous said...

How does Ghengis know your comment isn't a cleverly concealed Viagra ad? That and of course keeping the discussion civilized. (By which one means Western civilization)...

Genghis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

moderation is essential to keep spammers from using your comments.

Western civ is A#1.

Ghengis is supercool.

Chonabo said...

anonymous is making two points, first that they support your right to moderate comments, hence the reference to viagra ad; the second is a jab at my neofacist name calling remark.

Genghis said...

OK duh...I get it now. I thought anon was actually saying your comment was a viagra ad.