Saturday, June 30, 2007

Supreme Court cont'd

We would just like to add that even though we do not have a law degree we know we have a better understanding of constitutional law and the role of the Supreme Court than David Souter, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Ginsburg, and John Paul Stevens. These justices simply do not see any limit to the what the supremes can and should do. It's gone beyond an objection to originalism and strict construction. These justices simply believe there are no constraints on them to right wrongs and make law. They are aided and abetted by the public's (including many who should know better) astonishing misunderstanding of the court's role.
Imagine a court restrained only by their own sense of right and wrong and morality. That is simply a tyrannical dictatorship regardless of what their politics are. The so-called conservative wing of the court understands that the court is limited by the constitution in what it is allowed to do. This stance leads to decisions that many see as "conservative" or heartless but are nevertheless correct.

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