Monday, July 2, 2007

United States Foreign Aid

According to this chart, the United States lags behind in foreign aid per capita. In 2002 (and I don't expect these numbers have changed much since) we gave 13 cents per capita. compared to 103 cents from Norway. Never mind that we top the list in private foreign aid.
Now let's consider the Iraq war. If you, like us, consider the war not just a defense of the United States but also a defense of the entire civilized world we can justifiably call the costs of this war foreign aid. According to liberal backstabbing newspaper that hates America, the NY Times, the war's cost amounts to 2 trillion dollars. That amounts to 1654 DOLLARS per capita in foreign aid!
Not only that but all these countries are not obliged to spend very much on their own defense at any time as they rely on the United States to defend the civilized world. If that's not foreign aid, we don't know what is!
You'll notice that the Times article describes what we could otherwise do with that 2 trillion. Ah yes, everyone could have their own personal buttwiper!

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