Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pat Tillman

OK. Here's what we think. If Pat Tillman's CO concealed evidence of friendly fire (or fratricide (!) as DR put it) from his superiors then the army should punish him. A reprimand, or some such. But if the Joint Chiefs and the SecDef kept that information to themselves can you really blame them? When you are fighting a war, morale is very important (We know the NY Times thinks differently). If we were Bush we would have kept the truth hidden so as not to damage morale. NFL hero goes down in hail of bullets from jihadi scum onslaught: that's some good PR for our side compared to the truth.

If US military policy were always and everywhere to tell the truth we would continue to lose wars. We are damn sick and tired of fighting wars with two hands tied behind our backs and ACLU scum questioning all the effective things we do. Until we are willing to fight a war without lawyers and with no quarter given, then we will continue to lose wars. We need to cultivate hatred of the enemy comparable to the hatred towards the Japs and the Nazis in WW2. We guarantee losses and setbacks until we remember as a government and a military and a citizenry what it takes to win wars: an absolutely bloodthirsty battle plan incorporating the most ruthless tactics of an unconventional war. Unless we do that there really is no point in starting these fights.

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