Saturday, September 6, 2008

Questioning Obama's Patriotism

Fuck Obama. I'm gonna question his patriotism---because I know he's not a patriot. I know what part of the left wing he comes from. The "community organizers" I knew from my left wing days were all staunch anti-Americans who harbored thoughts of revolution in their hearts. Revolution to a new Stalinist order---where Republicans no longer exist, except in a gulag. These leftists admired the Soviet Union and did their best to hinder the fight against communism. I know, because I was one of them. To Obama, the flag is worth burning, but not wearing. I never thought America would elect someone who hated the country but now it appears that we might.

To people like Obama, the whole idea of America as a sovereign nation is quaint and we should start working on the socialist one world order as soon as possible.

I believe we should hunker down and get ready to kick some Rooskie ass. The minute they step over the line in Poland what will President Obama do? Negotiate? I hope not, but I fear so. I may have to join the Polish army so I can live with myself as an American whose leader abandons their allies.

You might notice my pessimistic assumption that Obama will win the election. However much I hope he won't I have to operate on the assumption that he will. However much I love Sarah Palin, I just don't think she's gonna get us over---I don't think any VP choice would have. I could be wrong--the polls are tightening and we still don't know how much of "Bradley effect" there will be in the general---but I remain pessimistic.

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