Thursday, September 4, 2008

Us Weekly

James Rainey in the LA Times criticizes Us Weekly's yellow journalism smear job of Palin, so he deserves congratulations. But then he reports that after the GOP women berated the press for its smears of Palin, he confronted Jane Swift (ex-Gov-MA) and asked who (in the mainstream media) had smeared her. Swift was at a loss and lamely mentioned Daily Kos. But just because Swift couldn't think of any doesn't mean there aren't any examples. There are---in the Los Angeles Times just a few pages after Rainey's column. Rosa "Dumb Ass" Brooks and Gloria "Ms Irrelevant" Steinem smear Palin. It should be noted that the LA Times has had 4 anti-Palin op-eds in two days (2 on each day)--that is 66% of the op-eds for two days running. And what about the New York Times lying about the AIP? NPR has aired every bit of dirty laundry possible. So don't try and pretend the MSM isn't trying to destroy this woman---because they know, if they can, the election is over. And since she is purportedly unknown (that's bullshit by the way) everything can be presented as a huge mistake by her AND McCain, making it easier to do away with her. Everyone knows what a buffoon Biden is already so that info is built into his candidacy. Palin, on the other hand, is fresh meat. And the vultures are circling---but as someone else noted she's a lot like Anton Chigurr--the killer in "No Country for Old Men"---she can't be killed!


Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

She is the second coming of Margaret Thatcher.

I need a cigarette!

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