Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harry Reid, Sucker

Harry Reid shows he can't handle Sarah Palin.

I first read about Reid's response last night on CNN, where his spokesass called Palin "shrill". Clearly they don't see that they walked right into a trap: That is exactly the response that will make votes for McCain.

From CNN:

"Anyone who knows Senator Reid knows he never backs down when he's fighting for what's right and that he always stands up to John McCain when he is wrong," Jim Manley, Reid's press secretary, told CNN.
When you respond to these types of attacks (the one from Palin) you lend credence to the attack. It's best not to respond at all. Or just attack back on a different subject. If this is how the democrat party will respond in the campaign I am very confident of a McCain victory. Thanks, Harry!

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