Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tim Rutten--Jackass Part 1,378,654

Tim Rutten is clearly incapable of rational thought. Take his column from today.

Here is his "logic":

Palin is anti-abortion.
Her daughter is pregnant out-of-wedlock and will keep the baby.
Her daughter is making a "choice" that Palin would deny to others.
Therefore Palin is a......what, exactly? He doesn't say. A meanie? A hypocrite?

So, all women who are anti-abortion and have a baby are guilty of some unknown thought crime invented by Tim Rutten to make a political point.

What Rutten leaves out of course is that for a Christian there is no "choice" involved: you always keep the baby. Palin is not denying the course of action that her daughter is taking to others---that would be hypocrisy. She would deny killing the baby to others--a denial she and her daughter extend to themselves. What, exactly, is the problem here? He can oppose her anti-abortion position on the merits of his position, if any. But he chooses to present a logically incoherent argument that Palin is a........what? Who knows? But she's a conservative baddie, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Felice Luftschein said...

I want to see Todd Palin launch himself, in a gloves off hockey brawl manner, at some pundit or the other disrespecting his old lady. You know, smack Chris Matthews around for a couple of minutes.
