We would just like to add that even though we do not have a law degree we know we have a better understanding of constitutional law and the role of the Supreme Court than David Souter, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Ginsburg, and John Paul Stevens. These justices simply do not see any limit to the what the supremes can and should do. It's gone beyond an objection to originalism and strict construction. These justices simply believe there are no constraints on them to right wrongs and make law. They are aided and abetted by the public's (including many who should know better) astonishing misunderstanding of the court's role.
Imagine a court restrained only by their own sense of right and wrong and morality. That is simply a tyrannical dictatorship regardless of what their politics are. The so-called conservative wing of the court understands that the court is limited by the constitution in what it is allowed to do. This stance leads to decisions that many see as "conservative" or heartless but are nevertheless correct.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Supreme Court
We generally agree with all the SC decisions handed down this week, except maybe for the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case. We are very ambivalent about that case. Free speech rights are not absolute especially for schoolkids but it is dangerous to decide that this speech is unprotected because it promotes drug use. Maybe he was trying to promote marijuana legalization, a legitimate political issue--exactly the kind of speech that is protected. But even if he admitted that he was trying to promote marijuana use the SC is saying that this is a category of unprotected speech. What other categories of unprotected speech might be created? But again, we're not too worried that this SC will curtail speech rights very drastically so....whatever.
This case and the school integration cases illustrate (at least to us) that the government should not be in the education business at all. These cases would not exist and there would be no need to piss a bunch of people off (granted people who don't understand constitutional law). Schools would be able to do their jobs without being taken all the way to Supreme court by a pothead slacker truant (rumors that we may have fit that description back in high school are nothing but lies!). Private schools would still be prevented from racially discriminating but state and local governments would have no authority to implement racial diversity plans that violate the constitution leading to rulings like this.
We may not agree with all of Chief Justice Roberts' opinions but but they are more in line with the constitution than most of the dissents. The justice we agree with most of the time is Scalia. Anyway, my point is that the SC is not a court of universal grievances to right wrongs and make liberals happy. The SC applies the constitution to the relevant statutes and/or rules under consideration. The result may make no one happy---including the justices who are in the majority. That is why we have a legislative and executive branch and the states--they make laws and constitutional amendments which should be designed to maximize human welfare (not the entitlement payments---the general welfare). If the laws are unconstitutional they can and should be struck down by the SC. Constitutional amendments, of course, are not subject to judicial review.
This case and the school integration cases illustrate (at least to us) that the government should not be in the education business at all. These cases would not exist and there would be no need to piss a bunch of people off (granted people who don't understand constitutional law). Schools would be able to do their jobs without being taken all the way to Supreme court by a pothead slacker truant (rumors that we may have fit that description back in high school are nothing but lies!). Private schools would still be prevented from racially discriminating but state and local governments would have no authority to implement racial diversity plans that violate the constitution leading to rulings like this.
We may not agree with all of Chief Justice Roberts' opinions but but they are more in line with the constitution than most of the dissents. The justice we agree with most of the time is Scalia. Anyway, my point is that the SC is not a court of universal grievances to right wrongs and make liberals happy. The SC applies the constitution to the relevant statutes and/or rules under consideration. The result may make no one happy---including the justices who are in the majority. That is why we have a legislative and executive branch and the states--they make laws and constitutional amendments which should be designed to maximize human welfare (not the entitlement payments---the general welfare). If the laws are unconstitutional they can and should be struck down by the SC. Constitutional amendments, of course, are not subject to judicial review.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Trash Can #2 (or the "recycling" bin as our wife calls it)

Trash Can #1

We like to throw the newspaper in the trash just to piss people off, especially Patt Morrison.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ok, so this isn't about recycling.
Just to remind everyone what filthy, treacherous whore bastards represent the Guantanamo scum.
Just to remind everyone what filthy, treacherous whore bastards represent the Guantanamo scum.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
For our many readers we apologize for not posting. We have been in a '24' induced haze. We watched 4 seasons of '24' in 2 weeks. Also, a parent was visiting.
Anyway....we have been overwhelmed by the continuing parade of liberal stupidity and don't know where to begin commenting.
But we are inspired to list more things we don't like:
We think the next post will have to be about the giant recycling scam. We personally love to throw aluminum and glass into the trash. If you want it you can come and get it--trash day is Tuesday.
Anyway....we have been overwhelmed by the continuing parade of liberal stupidity and don't know where to begin commenting.
But we are inspired to list more things we don't like:
- Center for Media & Democracy
- Harry Pelosi & Nacy Reid (from James Taranto)
- The United Nations!! (United scum of the earth)
- Michael Moore (why doesn't he just run for president!)
- Recycling (a big waste of time and money)
We think the next post will have to be about the giant recycling scam. We personally love to throw aluminum and glass into the trash. If you want it you can come and get it--trash day is Tuesday.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Why is this guy still alive?
He should have had a bullet to the back of the head (after due process of course) a long time ago.
That's why we can't have a law enforcement approach. Even in the best of all outcomes (i.e. gulity verdicts) candyass liberals would never allow us to kill any of these motherfuckers. Zacarias Moussaoui still lives.
That's why we can't have a law enforcement approach. Even in the best of all outcomes (i.e. gulity verdicts) candyass liberals would never allow us to kill any of these motherfuckers. Zacarias Moussaoui still lives.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
LA Times Teenaged Opinion Writer Makes Death Threat
Reading the LAT opinion page is a lot like reading your high school newspaper. Remember those brain dead opinion pieces on how it's time to save the planet? Well check out Patt Morrison:
Never mind that trees for paper would never exist in the first place except to make the junk mail (eg the LAT). Recycling does zero. In fact, the more you recycle, the less trees will be planted and the more oil will be burned to recycle paper. The whole column is filled with similar nonsense. But eco-fascist psychos like Morrison certainly can't let the facts get in the way of their religious ideology.
Did you think "eco-fascist psycho" was a bit over the top? Well consider how Morrison finishes the column:
Recycle or you will be exterminated! We didn't know that 'family' newspapers were in the business of making death threats. So maybe we're a little over 175 but we all know who she's talking about.
So, our personal pledge to Morrison: all the newspaper is going in the trash; we've got the space.
"A mature tree eats 13 pounds of carbon dioxide every year, so every time you don't recycle a huge stack of envelopes and junk mail and wrapping paper and newspapers, you're murdering a tree that could have saved you."
Never mind that trees for paper would never exist in the first place except to make the junk mail (eg the LAT). Recycling does zero. In fact, the more you recycle, the less trees will be planted and the more oil will be burned to recycle paper. The whole column is filled with similar nonsense. But eco-fascist psychos like Morrison certainly can't let the facts get in the way of their religious ideology.
Did you think "eco-fascist psycho" was a bit over the top? Well consider how Morrison finishes the column:
"If we don't [recycle, etc]....well, keep this in mind: The body of a 175-pound man can yield a little more than four gallons of fuel oil." (ellipsis in original)
Recycle or you will be exterminated! We didn't know that 'family' newspapers were in the business of making death threats. So maybe we're a little over 175 but we all know who she's talking about.
So, our personal pledge to Morrison: all the newspaper is going in the trash; we've got the space.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Standard Oil Global Warmist Manifesto
Since we alone can do nothing to stop the global warmist mass hysteria, we pledge to do what we can to piss these people off (within our means).
- Stockpile and use incandescent bulbs exclusively
- Drive as much as we can afford to
- On sunny days, use the dryer not the clothesline
- Barbecue as much as possible, preferably with lighter fluid
- Take long hot showers
- Set the thermostat to 80 in winter and 50 in summer
- Buy and use paper towels, ziploc bags and other disposable products
- Do not reuse plastic containers, bags, etc unless convenient
- Leave the lights on if it pleases you
- Avoid all products with any kind of 'Green' endorsement
- Buy 'global' not local
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Statement of Resistance
We at the Standard Oil household vow to use our fireplace regardless of AQMD regulations. Let the jackbooted thugs try and enforce this regulation. They can take our fireplace when they pry it from our cold, dead, sooty hands.
Fireplace Resistance!
Imagine you were a homeowner who had just spent 5-10 grand fixing your fireplace so it was safe to use. Now the eco-fascist scum at AQMD have just made that expense a complete waste. Don't they owe you 5-10 grand? We demand fireplace justice!!!
Well, They Did It!
Fireplaces are now illegal in Socal. For those of us with fireplaces this qualifies as a 'taking' under the 5th and 14th amendments to the constitution. New houses will not be allowed to have them and homeowners of existing homes will not be allowed to use them. For some people, the fireplace in their home was a major reason they bought that particular house. We wonder how many lives could be saved by not building the house in the first place! Why don't we all just live in caves and mud huts? Uh oh, we think we just gave the eco-fascists at AQMD an idea.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Another Step To A Tax On Farting
The arrogance of these bureaucrats is unbelievable.
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