Saturday, September 6, 2008

Health Care

If I have to hear people moaning and whining about "affordable" health care and the "ranks" of the uninsured (always reminds me of the ranks of the undead) I am going to punch someone in the face! Why don't they move to Africa? Healthcare is affordable there. Of course, they'll probably die of malaria (thanks to American eco-fascists) or dysentery.

People constantly bitch and moan about not being able to get health insurance unless you work for a large enough business. I'm sure it is a pain in the ass. But why is it so? Health insurers in most states are required by law to cover all kinds treatments and conditions. Laws also make it difficult to drop patients who commit fraud or to disallow treatments not originally covered. So as a business, what would you do? Obviously, you would take on fewer individuals in the first place to limit your losses down the road.

The uninsured are composed of the following people:

1. Those who choose not to buy it: the young and healthy and people who would rather buy beer than health insurance.
2. Those who cannot get it because they or their spouse do not qualify for a group plan and insurers will not give them an individual plan.

By any objective standard the first group is larger. And to the extent that there are people in the second group it can be chalked up to government policies vis a vis insurance companies and health care providers.

A proliferation of high deductible, catastrophic care health plans would reduce the "ranks" of the uninsured. State regulations make these plans difficult to offer but they make more sense for people in the first group of uninsured and would be a reasonable alternative for people in the 2nd group as well.

Also, lets stop saying "insurance". What people have is health "coverage". Insurance guards against unwanted and/or unlikely events. The form of health care that most people have is not like that. People will go to the doctor at least once a year and most people end up having minor ailments once in a while. These are not unwanted and/or unlikely events.

The lack of health coverage is directly tied to the socialist policies of the democrat party. People are suffering and dying because of the democrat party. And when Obama becomes President even more people will be suffering and dying. Obama is Death's candidate.

Finally, you do not have a "right" to cutting edge, state-of-the-art health care--so get the fuck over it and take care of yourself if you want to live forever.


Anonymous said...

I've come across a few people in this scenario: they have a chronic illness (mental or physical) that limits their ability to be employed to a degree, not enough that they would be deemed unemployable and receive some form of SSA benefits, but not well enough to sustain full-time work and the potential coverage that would allow.
There is also a bottom line in that health care is always rationed - either by ability to pay or by coverage for a condition.

Genghis said...

Like any service, health care is rationed and will be under ANY system of health care delivery. A Marxist health plan does not repeal the laws of economics.